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Employment agencies: notify MOM of changes

You will need to notify MOM of changes to your employment agency, including declaring placement of foreigners, employment agency and branch details, MDW's interim address and company information.


  • These updates apply only if there is no change in your UEN number or business entity type. If your UEN or business entity changes, you will need to submit a new application for your EA.
  • If you have a limited partnership, you cannot make updates online. You will need to submit a letter with the relevant supporting documents to:

    Employment Agency Licensing Branch
    Foreign Manpower Management Division
    MOM Services Centre
    1500 Bendemeer Road
    Level 2
    Singapore 339946

Employment agencies need to inform MOM of the following changes:

Declare placement of foreignersShow

To get access to WP Online and EP Online as an employment agency (EA), you must declare to MOM that you are placing foreigners.

You can make the declaration through GoBusiness Singapore.

MOM will not issue WP Online or EP Online accounts to EAs that have declared that they are not placing foreigners.

Change in employment agency detailsShow

Inform us immediately of changes to your employment agency’s:

  • Operating address
  • Email address
  • New branch applications
  • Accreditation details

Log in to GoBusiness Singapore to update the details.

It is important that you inform us of these changes so that your records are kept updated and you continue to receive updates from MOM.

Change in branch informationShow

You need to update your branch information within 7 working days if you:

  • Open a new branch.
  • Change a branch address.
  • Terminate a branch.

Log in to GoBusiness Singapore to update the information.

Change in MDW's interim addressShow

You should inform us immediately if an MDW’s interim address changes.

Log in to Register MDW Interim Address to update the address.

For detailed instructions, see the user guide on registering an MDW’s interim address.

Change in ACRA information (company details section)Show

You need to update us within 7 working days if there are changes to your ACRA company details, including:

  • Change in SSIC.
  • Change in registered address.
  • Adding or removing directors or partners.
  • Change in company name (with no change to UEN).

To make the change to ACRA:

  1. Log in to ACRA to make the necessary changes to your company details.
  2. After ACRA has approved your changes, you must wait for one working day before you can log in to GoBusiness Singapore to submit the changes of your licence profile to MOM.

All other updates

For all other updates, inform us within 3 working days by logging in to GoBusiness Singapore.