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WSH Technology

WSH technology is a key enabler to achieving the strategic outcomes in WSH 2028. 

The deployment of suitable WSH technology can:

  • remove workers from risky activities;
  • improve workers’ situational awareness;
  • deter risky behaviours and reduce human error;
  • assess and alert on ill health that may increase risk of work accidents.

Examples of technology that can be used for WSH:

For vehicular safety

WSH technology Can address
  • Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) or Advanced Rider Assistance System (ARAS)
  • Driver Status Monitoring System (DSMS)
  • Driver or rider behaviour monitoring
  • Blind spot detection
  • 360 degrees camera
  • Proximity sensors
  • Vehicular and heavy equipment safety due to:
    • Reckless driving or operation
    • Blindspot
    • Traffic management (paths and visibility)
    • Unsafe driver or rider behaviour
  • Caught in or between objects

For construction and facilities management safety

WSH technology Can address
  • Electronic Permit-to Work (e-PTW)
  • Building façade inspections using drones
  • Internet of Things (IoT) sensors
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) simulation

  • Prevention of slips, trips and falls
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Falls from height
  • Struck by falling object
  • Struck by moving object

For workforce health

WSH technology Can address
  • Digital wearables for real-time health monitoring
  • Noise and heat stress sensors
  • Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  • Noise induced deafness (NID)
  • Fatigue
  • Heat stress
  • Worker's health or chronic conditions affecting safety

Find out more about the specific types of technology that can be applied for different areas and available support programmes.

Vehicular safetyShow

Vehicular related accidents is one of the top causes of fatal and major work injuries in Singapore. Many of these vehicular accidents were caused by issues relating to drivers' behaviour or the lack of situational awareness.

In worksites, poor traffic management practices such as poor segregation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic are also key contributors to vehicular accidents.

A wide range of technology solutions is available to improve vehicular safety. Some of these act as an extra pair of eyes to alert drivers (or riders) of impending dangers or enhance their situational awareness, while others help to monitor drivers' attention and behaviour.

By monitoring poor driving patterns such as harsh braking, harsh cornering, harsh acceleration and speeding, vehicular safety technology can also help your organisation design training and incentive schemes to shape better driving habits among your drivers.

Read more about the overview of vehicular safety technology.

Fleet Safety Management is a solution category in the Logistics Industry Digital Plan and SMEs can apply for government grant support to adopt vehicular safety technology.

Check your eligibility and apply for government grants when you adopt pre-scoped solutions:

Construction and facilities management safetyShow

Electronic Permit-to-Work (e-PTW)

Permit to Work (PTW) is a formal authorisation system used in an organisation to control selected high-risk work activities to ensure safe execution of work onsite. It is widely used in various industries, including the construction industry, and involves at least 3 levels of checks and traditional paperwork.

e-PTW replaces paper filing of PTW with a centralised digital management system, allowing your organisation to submit, track and monitor PTW applications digitally via mobile apps and browsers.

Benefits of e-PTW over traditional paper-based system:

  • Improve coordination and efficiency through real-time notifications.
  • Better traceability and accountability of PTW with audit trail.
  • Easy identification of incompatible works.
  • Full visibility of PTWs via dashboards.
  • Remove need to rewrite documents when PTW needs to be extended or re-issued.

Building façade inspection using drones

The Periodic Facade Inspection (PFI) regime was introduced in 2020 by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to enhance maintenance of building facades for public safety.

Most buildings over 20 years and taller than 13 metres need to be inspected every 7 years.

Drones greatly reduces the need for workers to work at height, which is a high-risk activity.

Benefits of using drones for inspection:

  • Greatly reducing fall from height risks
  • Easier and safer to inspect difficult-to-access areas for buildings with complex design
  • Less time taken to do inspection
  • Lower cost of inspection
  • Reduce reliance on manpower

Read about the Technical Reference TR 78: 2020 'Building facade inspection using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)' for drone inspections and sets of industry standards for service providers.

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors

The advancement in IoT technology is changing the way the construction industry operates. Your companies can adopt these IoT technology to transform construction sites into smart workplaces.

Examples of application of IoT technology:

  • Geofencing
  • Worker tracing
  • Proximity sensing
  • Confined space safety monitoring

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) simulation

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) can simulate the hands-on experience in scenarios that are tough to recreate.

VR training uses a head-mounted display to immerse a user into a computer-generated environment, often with a full 360-degree view.

AR, also known as mixed reality, allows the overlay of video, sounds or graphics to help train or inform users while they experience a real-world view or interact with objects.

The use of AR or VR is ideal for training your employees to handle real-life situations and can minimise damage to the equipment and the cost of training.

Preventing slips, trips, and falls (STF) in facility management

The Workplace Safety and Health Institute launched an innovation challenge in April 2020 on Open Innovation Platform (OIP) to seek innovative technology solutions to detect STF near misses and hazards. The project was in collaboration with Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and awarded to Vulcan AI Pte Ltd (Vulcan AI).

Through video analytics and wearables, the technology can detect STF incidents and near misses in real-time. Supervisor will receive a real-time alert via a mobile app to enable prompt intervention. It also allows STF hot spots to be identified for hazard removal or increased frequency of housekeeping.


The technology has now been commercialised with additional features such as scaling the dashboard to enable monitoring of multiple sites, health monitoring, productivity measurements and gamification. Trials are also being extended to other industries, such as Marine, Hospitality, F&B, and Construction to test its effectiveness in these sectors.

In 2021, WSHI also launched new tech challenges on PIER71 Smart Port Challenge and OIP to:

  • Monitor workers’ health, detect STF near misses and hazards in Marine, in collaboration with the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI)
  • Prevent STF and falls from height (FFH) in construction, in collaboration with the Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL)

Challenge statements launched in 2021

Platform Title
PIER71 Smart Port Challenge Detection & prevention of near-miss workplace fall injuries without vision analytics
PIER71 Smart Port Challenge Monitor, detect and improve workforce physical and mental health in maritime and marine & offshore industry
Open Innovation Platform Workplace Safety and Health (WSH)-Tech solution to detect and prevent falls from height and slips, trips and falls in construction sector

Many technology solutions are included in the Construction and Facilities Management Industry Digital Plan and SMEs can apply for government grant support to adopt the solutions.

Check your eligibility and apply for government grants when you adopt pre-scoped solutions:

Workforce healthShow

Digital wearables for real-time health monitoring

Digital wearable devices provide employers and employees real-time tracking of critical health and wellness information. It can monitor health indicators such as fatigue and heat stress, and alert affected parties of anomalies to avoid safety incidents. Common data collected include sleeping hours, heart rate variability (HRV), heart rate (HR), maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and oxygen saturation (SpO2).

Some wearables detect biomechanics and alert workers when they are adopting unsafe postures such as improper bending, over-reaching, twisting, or prolonged exposure to body vibration transmitted from work tools. These wearables can also collect and store high risk posture and vibration data for employers to pin-point work activities and develop intervention measures to improve workplace ergonomics.

Workplace noise monitoring

Noise Induced Deafness (NID) is a condition where there is permanent hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to excessive noise. It results in communication difficulties and affects your workers’ quality of life.

The measurement of real-time noise levels using sound level meters allows you to effectively manage noise in workplaces. Intervention measures can be taken before noise levels exceed pre-set thresholds, to prevent damages to your workers' hearing.

Heat stress and preventive measures

Heat stress occurs when the body is unable to cool down through perspiration. This causes the body temperature to rise rapidly, which may cause damage to the brain and other vital organs.

You can help to implement preventive measures to manage heat stress in the workplace, including heat acclimatization, adequate water intake, shaded rest area and worker awareness. Read more about WSH Guidelines on Managing Heat Stress in the Workplace and related technology solutions.

Resources for technology adoption

Resource guide on grants and innovation challenges

Seeking industry feedback

WSHI is seeking industry feedback on WSH problems that has potential to be addressed using technology.

You can submit your feedback through WSH Tech Industry Engagement Form.

Solution providers with good WSH technology proposals can email with a write-up of how your solution can address WSH issues.